Wednesday, April 13, 2011

so amazed...

Today Michael and I headed to Monticello to check out the rentals and housing around town, it is about time that we got on the ball right?

Honestly we didn't go ready for 'rain' but boy did it!!!! God showed up in every area of our day...Not only do we believe that we found our new home, but it was at a price that could only be God, there is an Awesome Mexican restaurant in t
he area(which is a must for our family), God blessed us with information from the church about our final salary package and to top it all off the day ended with Sushi!

Here is the house!!!!!!!!!

It was a day away for Michael and I as Emma stayed home with Mimi and Pa....It was amazing to ENJOY one another and just have fun!(THANK YOU MIMI AND PA...YOUR THE BEST!!!)

Thank you Lord for an amazing day!

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